I figured I'd complete a whole squad of boys before going back to the trukk I begun building.
And you all get a picture if my well sorted airbrush booth :p
Hoping to have them done by the end of the weekend. Bases and al.
Scatter Dice is my corner on the web containing painting, playing and building in the 40k universe. Hope you enjoy it :-D
I figured I'd complete a whole squad of boys before going back to the trukk I begun building.
And you all get a picture if my well sorted airbrush booth :p
Hoping to have them done by the end of the weekend. Bases and al.
Here is a detailed shot of the finished Deffkopta.
Going to do the bases for the koppta, squig and begin on a few more later this week.
Next up is a Trukk for the upcoming tournament the 29 of may.
Been a slow day painting but I got some paint on the Deffkopta I started on yesterday.
Post/mid wash. Freaking fun model to paint to! 😁
Short and simple.
My next model is the first Deffkopta.
Missing is missiles but I'm too lazy to do anything about it. It works on willpower alone. Ork style 😎
Black primer
Ledbelcher metal
Flash gitz yellow
Ice yellow.
All done with airbrush as you can see. 20min job tops including cleanup.
Took a break from the Killakan, or rather the base to it, in lieu for the a bombsquig.
Love the model!
Some fast painting.
Fetching the Ork bits at the post office later today then I'll start making a base for the killakan.
So here is some post wash pics.
I went buying some copper paints yesterday
More pics coming up later today. Day of from work and school so I've got plenty if time to paint :D
So next is a Killakan. Didn't really have a vision for the wierd walker so I started with the yellow and yellow highlight then did the metal.
Going for the red rockets ( eeeehm... 😂) next and the wiring.
Keep watching for more updates soon.
Finally done. Well.. You all know there is always something do work on and in this case the bases need some love but im really really satisfied with the end result.
What do you guys think?
After the test model turned out pretty good I've painted up 5 in total.
Not completed but work in progress.
Even tho the GW faq made the Ork Tankbustas not as good as before (units only get to use 1! grenade in cc not one per model) but I love the models and have an idea for them.
More to come.